Wednesday, August 4, 2021

July 4, 2021 - Tree Top Adventure Park and Relaxing on the Tahoe Lake and Truckee River

One to the main activities for this trip was to venture into some activities in the Tree Top Adventure Park. Our time slot started at 11AM.  After a short orientation, everyone was let go to try different activities freely.  There are many zip lines and varieties of tree top adventure activities.  It takes no time for everyone to familiar with the techniques and start to enjoy these exciting activities.  Benjy was leading the pack to try every activities first.  Lucy took no time to figure out what to do.  Even Jeff and Jennifer were all enjoyed these activities.

In the afternoon we went to a nearby beach close to Truckee River to enjoy the lake.  Jeff bought a float so he could take the kids to play and float in the lake.  There were a lot of people enjoying all sorts of activities in the lake. 

When we walked back to the parking lot, Jennifer suggested to Jeff and kids to float down the Truckee River.  Since the float was not that big, only Lucy went with Jeff.  Half an hour later, they floated down the river to the spot near our vacation home.  Judging from the video we had, they really enjoyed floating down the river.

Jennifer and Jeff made grilled sausage and other delicious food as July 4th dinner along with ice cream as desert.  Life is good in Lake Tahoe.

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